We are so excited about gathering each Sunday on the lawn for worship at 10am. Here's a few details...
- Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and umbrellas
- Tents will be available for those that need shade
- Water, coffee & donuts will be served in the new foyer
- Grab a worship guide and find a space on the lawn
If you have children (toddlers - 6th grade)...
- Please pre-register by Saturday at noon by clicking here (class sizes are capped however, if you pre-register we will have a space for your children)
- When you arrive, please check in at our FirstKids registration table
- A quick temp check will be taken and name tag printed
- If you have a preschooler, you'll drop them off in their classrooms
- If you have a grade school child, grab a donut and find a place on the lawn. They'll join you for the first part of the worship service.
- Pastor Stephen will dismiss them before he begins his message
- After the service ends, you can pick up your children at the tents located on the side lawn